ECS – Dubai COP 28 : Our focus on cop 28 in Dubai

During this sequence, the Heads of State and Government of 150 Parties to the UNFCCC (out of 197) participated according to their schedules. The absence of the leaders of the world’s two largest emitting countries, President Xi Jinping of China and President Joe Biden of the United States, as well as the absence of the […]
Le Système Européen de Coopération à la COP 28 de Dubaï.

La 28e Conférence des Parties sur les changements climatiques (COP 28) se déroule à Dubaï du 30 novembre au12 décembre 2023. Cette conférence internationale réunit les pays signataires de la Convention Cadre des Nations Unies sur les Changements Climatiques ainsi que les acteurs et actrices du climat. La présidence émiratie de la COP 28 déclare […]
Roumanie : Rencontre des clusters des régions et mise en relation à Iasi

C’est avec une grande attention que le Système Européen de Coopération a participé aux événements de mise en relation « Clusters Meet Regions » qui ont eu lieu du 21 au 23 novembre 2023 à Iasi, en Roumanie. Ces travaux ont été conjointement organisés par la Plateforme européenne de collaboration des clusters, agissant au nom de la […]
Rencontre de Travail entre le S.E.C et Mme Fatim Bamba, Maire d’Anyama

Le 28 novembre 2023 à Paris, le Président du Système Européen de Coopération, Monsieur Gabriel SAINT, a eu le privilège de rencontrer Madame Fatim Bamba, Maire de la Commune d’Anyama, suite à sa participation au salon des Maires et des Collectivités Locales. Dans le cadre de cette rencontre, le Président a souhaité chaleureusement la bienvenue […]
Dubai : European Cooperation System in the Dubai Electricity & Water Authority – DEWA

At the invitation of the Dubai Electricity & Water Authority – DEWA, the European Cooperation System has been taking part in the WETEX & Dubai Solar Show in the United Arab Emirates since 15 November.This major international event is part of the emirate’s prosperous vision of Dubai as a sustainable city. In view of what has been achieved so […]
The President of the European Cooperation System strengthens Support for Ukraine

On the sidelines of the 12th annual EUSDR ( European Union Strategy for the Danube Region) – Danube Region Strategy Forum, which took place on October 24th and 25th, 2023, in Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia, the President of the European Cooperation System, Mr. Gabriel MVOGO SAINT, had the honor of meeting His Excellency Mr. Andriy Taran, the Ambassador […]
Council of Europe – Strasbourg : European Cooperation System took part in the work of the 11th World Forum for Democracy.

A delegation from the European Cooperation System, led by the President Gabriel MVOGO, took part in the work of the 11th World Forum for Democracy. This major international forum was held in Strasbourg from 6 to 8 November 2023.The central theme of the 11th Forum was « Democracy equals Peace ».By identifying and analysing initiatives and experimental practices, this […]
Cooperative Republic of Guyana : second edition of the Annual Africaribbean Trade and Investment Forum (ACTIF2023)

With great honor, the European Cooperation System participated in the second edition of the Annual Africaribbean Trade and Investment Forum ( ACTIF2023 ), jointly organized by the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) and the Government of Guyana on October 30 and 31, 2023, in Georgetown, Guyana, under the theme ‘Creating a Shared Prosperous Future. The key areas of interest […]
Slovénie : Le système Européen de Coopération participe aux travaux du 12e Forum annuel du Danube Region Strategy en Slovénie.

Les 24 et 25 octobre dernier, le Président Gabriel MVOGO SAINT a eu le plaisir d’observer au nom de l’European Cooperation System , les travaux du 12e Forum annuel du Danube Region Strategy organisé conjointement par la République de Slovénie, la Commission européenne et le Programme pour la région du Danube en Slovénie.Le sommet a […]
Congo Brazzaville : Summit of the 3 Basins of Biodiversity Ecosystems and Tropical Forests.

The Republic of the Congo initiated and organized a major international summit from October 26 to 28, the Three Basins Alliance Summit, encompassing Biodiversity and Tropical Forest Ecosystems, known as the Summit of the 3 Basins of Biodiversity Ecosystems and Tropical Forests (Amazon – Congo – Borneo Mekong Southeast Asia). Mr Gabriel MVOGO SAINT for the European Cooperation […]